Monday, December 4, 2006

December 5th-7th, 2006

Another day, another argument. The class-spanning war is still underway. All the guys are still against the girls, and the girls hate us, too. This might sound like a six-year old complaining about girls being gross… y’know, girl germs and all that. The reality is that our class has two groups, really. All the girls look out for each other, and all the guys are buddies. It’s like America versus Iraq. And we’re America. Go, Marines!

The biggest bump in the road today was the fact that the Funkytown Players audition has to be only two minutes long. And I’d already prepared my audition, too! Dang… now I’ll have to cut out half of it. Ah, well…

Unfortunately, later that day I was yelled at for swearing, and I got the Internet taken off me. So now I’ll have three days in a single entry. Great.

The next day was alright, I suppose. I had the whole day off to work on my audition. It was a curriculum day, or report writing day, or one of those days where all the teachers just have a day off the normal helter-skelter of classes filled with emos, punks, nerds and psychos. Nothing else interesting happened, just lunch and sleeping.

On December 7, on the other hand, it was Audition Day! Plus, my friends Red and Ted (And yes, I know, their names do rhyme) were singing the praises of the Nintendo Wii. It sounds alright, I suppose, but I’m not too fazed by it all. It looks like a bit of fun and all, but it’s so different that 3rd Party developers won’t be releasing anything on it.

Classes today were kind of odd. We watched Ice Age, then looked at clouds, then played No Limit Texas Hold Em’, surfed the net on every non-education site on the web, then looked around the library. I’m not making this up, that was all we did today. I’m not complaining, but couldn’t we be doing something useful, like writing something down?

But I’m getting off the real story here. I finally did my audition! I was the last one, and I ran through the whole thing without making a fatal mistake. I got a massive cheer at the end, and both of the teachers thought it was good. I think I’m in!

Well, I’m exhausted. I’m gonna hit the hay. That freaking hay, I hate it so much…

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